Hi ! I'm Hugo

Student - Developer - Web Developper


The story of my personnal and professional life

  • 2019...

    42 Paris

    I successfully passed the piscine at 42 Paris in august and I am currently learning self-taught at this school.

  • 2018-2019

    Imersive year in Australia

    I spent 8 months in Australia, traveling, working and improving my english. I learned a lot traveling by myself and I really enjoyed meeting new people and share moments of life with them !

  • 2015-2018

    Bachelor in Computer Science at Sorbonne University

    A 3 years cursus in Paris where I learned the basics of computer science, including language C, Object-oriented programming with Java, Databases with SQL, Linear algebra.

  • 2014-2015

    Prepa school

    1 year at ENCPB Paris in preparatory classes for entrance to Grandes Écoles

  • Birth

    August 1996

Contact Me






+33 6 20 31 80 58